Last update: 23.10.2024

Regional Europe

  • 04 Jun 2010 | Regional Europe
    Hedegaard: Romania must profit from European funds

    Romania must profit from the European funds if it wants to have a developed economy with low carbon emissions, European Commissioner for climate changes Connie Hedegaard told the 'Romania Between Copenhagen and Cancun' conference in Bucharest

  • 02 Jun 2010 | Regional Europe
    Romania, in meeting on adoption of EU Energy strategy until 2020

    Energy policy goals for Europe 2020 Strategy must include development of infrastructure and creation of an energy system based on low carbon emissions, with recognition for the nuclear sector contribution, according to the statement of Minister of Economy, Trade and Business Environment Adriean Videanu, given on the occasion of the European Union Council on energy issues in Brussels

  • 30 May 2010 | Regional Europe
    Russia will make military presence in Transnistria permanent

    Moldova might have to bear some "side effects" after Romania's approval to host elements of the US anti-missile defense system on its territory, David Kramer, former deputy secretary for European and Eurasian problems in the US Department of State, told Radio Liberty on Thursday

  • 14 May 2010 | Regional Europe
    Romanian-German meeting on fresh cooperation opportunities

    Romanian and German authorities plan to intensify the bilateral cooperation between the two countries and to identify fresh opportunities of economic cooperation, according to a release of the Embassy to Bucharest of the Federal Republic of Germany

  • 14 May 2010 | Regional Europe
    European Commission: Romania does not fulfill euro zone criteria

    Romania does not fulfill the criteria necessary to adopt the euro, even though it made serious progress during its EU integration process, a convergence report adopted yesterday by the European Commission reads. The document analyzez Romania's economic evolution and concludes that there are not sufficient progress to adopt the euro

  • 13 May 2010 | Regional Europe
    WEF Study: Sweden, the most performing economy in EU, Romania second last

    Sweden remains the most competitive economy as measured by the European Unions (EU) own competition benchmark, the Lisbon criteria, followed by Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands, according to the World Economic Forum's Lisbon Review 2010 released this Sunday ahead of the upcoming World Economic Forum on Europe

  • 10 May 2010 | Regional Europe
    EP calls on Romania and Bulgaria to better manage EU funding

    The European Parliament called in particular on Bulgaria and Romania, in a report adopted yesterday, to build up their administrative capacity to manage EU funding, remove existing or potential conflicts of interest in fund management and improve the supervision and transparency of public procurement procedures at central, regional and local levels

  • 04 May 2010 | Regional Europe
    Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovenia - part of six countries group where car production increased last year

    Out of the 39 states that produced over 10,000 cars last year, only six recorded production growth. Romania is one of them. The other five are China, India, the Czech Republic, Taiwan and Slovenia, according to the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA)

  • 04 May 2010 | Regional Europe
    EP official Hubner: There are forces working against EU cohesion

    Chair of the Committee on Regional Development of the European Parliament (EP) Danuta Hubner is arguing that there are currently forces working against the cohesion of the European Union. She told a conference on new perspectives on EU's cohesion policy from the Lisbon Agenda to the Europe 2020 strategy

  • 28 Apr 2010 | Regional Europe
    ForMin Baconschi says decision on EEAS establishment has to be adopted fast

    The decision regarding the establishment of the European External Actions Service (EEAS) must be urgently adopted in order to send a signal of unity and coherence to the European Union's external partners, said Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Baconschi during the meeting of the General Affairs Council (GAC) held in Luxembourg on Monday

  • 23 Apr 2010 | Regional Europe
    EC Said to Extend Deadline for Bulgaria, Romania Danube Bridge

    The EU will most likely extend deadline to construct the second Danube Bridge between Bulgaria and Romania with ISPA program funds until 2012, reports.This has been announced by Bulgarias Deputy Environment Minister, Ivelina Vasileva, before the Parliamentary EU Affairs Committee on Wednesday

  • 20 Apr 2010 | Regional Europe
    Eurostat: Euro area annual inflation up to 1.4%; EU up to 1.9%

    Euro area1 annual inflation was 1.4% in March 20102, up from 0.9% in February. A year earlier the rate was 0.6%. Monthly inflation was 0.9% in March 2010. EU3 annual inflation was 1.9% in March 2010, up from 1.5% in February. A year earlier the rate was 1.3%. Monthly inflation was 0.7% in March 2010. These figures come from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union

  • 19 Apr 2010 | Regional Europe
    Ukrainian press: If Romania gets Maikan Island, Russia will raise territorial demands from Ukraine

    "We will not give our island to Romania", "Ukraine will not surrender our island to Romania", "Romania claims an Ukrainian island", "Romania raises again territorial demands on Ukraine" - only a few of the titles featured in Russian by the Ukrainian press, after deputy Ghenadi Zadirko accused Bucharest for addressing territorial demands

  • 14 Apr 2010 | Regional Europe
    Romania, Azerbaijan and Georgia sign Memorandum on AGRI project

    Romania, Georgia and Azerbaijan have signed on Tuesday, in Bucharest, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Interconnection (AGRI) project, namely tthe construction of liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals through which natural gas can be transported from the Caspian Sea to Europe, from Azerbaijan through Georgia and Romania

  • 08 Apr 2010 | Regional Europe
    IMF rejects accusations of having accelerated crisis in Central and Eastern Europe

    The International Monetary Fund rejected accusations made by the deputy governor of the Central Bank of the Czech Republic, Mojmir Hampl that it would have accelerated the impact of the financial crisis in Central and Eastern Europe to determine states in the area to ask for IMF help, Bloomberg informs

  • 01 Apr 2010 | Regional Europe
    Grant agreement between Romania and Moldova to be signed late this April

    A 102-million-euro grant agreement between Romania and Moldova will be signed late this April in Bucharest as part of a visit to Bucharest by Moldova's interim President Mihai Ghimpu, Romanian Prime Minister Emil Boc said on Wednesday in Chisinau. The agreement focuses on transport end education infrastructure

  • 01 Apr 2010 | Regional Europe
    Georgian Press: Romania is one of Georgia's 'best friends'

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania Teodor Baconschi paid an official visit to Georgia on March 30. After laying a wreath at the memorial to the soldiers who died for the unity of Georgia, Baconschi held a meeting with Grigol Vashadze, his Georgian counterpart, at which they discussed a variety of issues

  • 01 Apr 2010 | Regional Europe
    Romania, Serbia wish to strengthen bilateral economic relations

    The economic cooperation prospects between Romania and Serbia and the ways to make the bilateral trade more dynamic were among chief topics of the talks held by state secretary for foreign trade in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment (MECMA) Maria Parcalabescu and her Serbian counterpart Vesna Arsic

  • 26 Mar 2010 | Regional Europe
    It's official: 1 million Romanians in Italy

    The Caritas - IDOS report, Romanians in Italy between rejection and acceptance, presented on Thursday at Rome confirms what estimates foresaw: in 2010, Romanians in Italy total officially, 1 million. If the ISTAT statistics talked about 953,000 Romanians with residence in Italy

  • 17 Mar 2010 | Regional Europe
    Hungary, Romania and Poland have led EU average inflation to 1.4% in February

    Hungary, Romania and Poland are the countries that have influenced the European average inflation rate to go up to 1.4% in February 2010, the official estimate published by the European Office of Statistics - Eurostat indicates. Hungary recorded in February the highest annual inflation rate in the European Union, namely 5.6%, followed by Romania with 4.5% and Poland, with 3.4%

  • 17 Mar 2010 | Regional Europe
    Romania will not give Bulgaria some of its share of fishing plaice

    Romania will not yield to Bulgaria some of its fishing share for plaice in the Black Sea as European regulations do not specify it, the secretary of state in the Ministry of Agriculture, Danut Apetrei said. "Bulgaria requested that we yield a quantity of 1.1 tons of our share of fishing plaice not used in 2009"

  • 11 Mar 2010 | Regional Europe
    EU comes up with exit strategy for climate talks

    The EU's new commissioner for climate action wants Europe to continue leading global negotiations and pursue deeper emission cuts, even if its current pledge of 20% reductions by 2020 is not matched by other developed countries. "The EU must continue to take leadership," Connie Hedegaard told the European Parliament Tuesday (9 March) in Strasbourg

  • 11 Mar 2010 | Regional Europe
    EU to table nuclear waste treatment law

    The European Commission will table legislative proposals on the treatment of nuclear waste by the year's end, its president Jose Manuel Barroso announced Sunday (8 March) during a major OECD-hosted conference on civil nuclear power in Paris. Speaking at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

  • 08 Mar 2010 | Regional Europe
    MAE examines simplification of issuance of small cross-border traffic permits

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs examines together with the authorities in charge in Romania simplification ways for the issuance of the small cross-border traffic permit for Moldovan citizens, both in line with the valid bilateral agreements and the European norms in the field of crossing the border and Schengen rules, MAE told AGERPRES at its request

  • 03 Mar 2010 | Regional Europe
    Ukraine halts electricity exports to Romania

    The halt in Ukraine's electricity exports to Romania has an insignificant impact on Romania's electricity supply, because the imports are of maximum 20 Mwatts, Director of the Transelectrica National Energy Dispatcher Octavian Lohan told Agerpres on Monday

  • 03 Mar 2010 | Regional Europe
    Tourism objectives for 2010

    The building of a spa in Snagov, the development of the infrastructure at Lacul Morii ( Bucharest) , the construction of skiing areas in over 20 localities and the development of the touristic infrastructure in several resorts are on the list of tourism investments for 2010

  • 26 Feb 2010 | Regional Europe
    PM Emil Boc in Budapest: Energy solidarity is indispensable

    The global economic crisis has seriously affected the energy sector, causing cuts in the investments in the field, and in order to ensure their energy security, the states have to act in a convergent manner and benefit from the European Union's support, PM Emil Boc said during the Visegrad countries' Summit on Energy Security, in Budapest, on Wednesday

  • 26 Feb 2010 | Regional Europe
    Romanian-Bulgarian Danube hydropower plant project could win European funding

    A new hydropower plant on the Danube to be constructed by Romania together with Bulgaria could be financed from European funds, Secretary of State with the Romanian Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment Tudor Serban told an ISPE seminar on Tuesday

  • 24 Feb 2010 | Regional Europe
    Over 130 exhibitors participate at Romania's Tourism Fair

    Over 130 participants will exhibit their tourism offers at the spring edition of Romania's Tourism Fair unfolding over March 25-28, 2010, at the Romexpo Exhibition Complex, according to a release of Romexpo. According to the organizers, the official participation of Spain - Tourism Promotion Office, Greece - Hellenic Tourism Organization

  • 24 Feb 2010 | Regional Europe
    Romania ranked last in Europe in interventional cardiology

    Romania is currently ranked last in Europe in the area of patient treatment through interventional cardiology, the most advanced development in cardiology treatments, Medical Director of the University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest Dragos Vinereanu told Agerpres

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