Three billion euros to be invested in energy private-public partnerships

Publish date: 23-04-2010
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ENEL, CEZ, RWE and Gaz de France are the companies interested in entering private-public partnerships in the province of energy in Romania, Minister for Economy, Commerce and Business Milieu Adriean Videanu told a news conference.

'Large companies operating in our geographical area are interested in the energy projects to be conducted in the country under private-public partnerships, and among them are ENEL, CEZ, RWE and Gaz de France,' said Videanu.

Investment in such partnerships is put at 3 billion euros. 'We are proposing projects worth 3 billion euros that do not include the group 3 and 4 at the Cernavoda nuclear-power plant, the second nuclear-power plant or the AGRI project. There are two power groups for Electra of 500MW, which requires an investment on 1.7 billion euros. Then, there are water power projects for the Olt River at Cornetu (133 million euros); water landscaping on Somesul Mare (754 million euros), on the Aries (245 million euros), on the Buzau (324 million euros); the CET Bucharest South power and heat station (105 million euros); the Deva electrical power station (322 million euros) and the creation of a new power generation group at Paroseni (245 million euros),' said Videanu.


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