UniCredit Tiriac Bank successfully closed the bond issuance

Publish date: 25-06-2013
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The Corporate bond issuance in RON, opened by UniCredit Tiriac Bank at the end of last week, was successfully completed today, with an oversubscription level of 110%.

The Bank targeted RON 500M with its initial selling offer of corporate bonds. The final subscribed and allocated amount is RON 550M.

"We are very pleased with the result and the terms of our bond issuance. Also, we strongly believe our initiative will represent a benchmark and will contribute to the development of the local market. Thus, we appreciate the interest and commitment proved by the local and international institutional investors", said Rasvan Radu, CEO of UniCredit Tiriac Bank.

This RON Corporate bonds issuance represents the first by UniCredit Tiriac Bank and it has been approved by the General Shareholders Assembly of the Bank on the 23rd of April 2013, as a part a more ample program which aims to diversify the financing sources.

The offer was successfully completed on Friday, June 21st 2013, based on the subscriptions of over 30 local and international institutional investors, including IFIs (EBRD and IFC), funds managed by the main asset management companies, pension funds, insurance companies, local and international banks and other investors.

"We plan to return to the market with new bond selling offers in the next years, depending on the future opportunities. We want to continue to expand our activity on the Romanian market, based on diversified financing sources, which we plan to attract both locally and internationally, as well as resources from UniCredit Group” added Rasvan Radu.

The Bank set the coupon at 6.35% per annum. Coupon payments will be made on June 15th and December 15th each year, the bonds being due 15.06 2018.

The issue will be registered for trading on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE). The bonds are senior, unsecured, with 5 year maturity, due in 2018, denominated in dematerialized form. The issuance intermediary was SSIF BROKER and the legal advisory was assured by Badea Clifford Chance.

The transaction will be completed on the 25th and settled on the 28th of June 2013.

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