LTE subscriber numbers to triple. 'Mobile' advertising to grow by 50 percent. Roll out of 4K HDTV

Publish date: 28-01-2013
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A record one billion smartphones will be shipped in 2013, mobile advertising will get split into two categories- tablets and smartphones- and more than 90 percent of user-generated passwords will be vulnerable to hacking in a matter of seconds. This is according to the 12th edition of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited's (DTTL) Technology, Media and Telecommunications (TMT) Predictions 2013 report. 

"This year's predictions cover a range of topics, from the continued dominance of personal computers (PCs) despite inferior sales relative to smart devices, the developments around Long Term Evolution (LTE), and data access, to smartphones and the vulnerability of passwords,” said Jolyon Baker, Managing Director, Global TMT Industry, DTTL.

Of total sales of PCs, tablets and smartphones in 2013, PCs will be about one fifth. However more than 80 percent of Internet traffic measured in bits will continue to be generated on traditional personal computers (desktops and laptops). And out of the total time spent at home and at work on PCs, tablets and smartphones combined, more than 70 percent will be on a PC. 

"For years now Romanian consumers have proven to be TMT savvy, quickly embracing all new technologies and the benefits that come along,” said Ahmed Hassan, Manager Partner Deloitte Romania and Leader of the TMT industry group. "As a result, when discussing about local trends in the TMT industries, most are echoed in our global report. Experts expect continuous growth of the digital world, as sales of smartphones and tablets rise constantly, and convergence is the key-word for media and telecom operators.”

Jolyon Baker continues: "With the splitting of 'mobile' advertising into separate mobile and tablet categories, advertisers should begin to consider new forms of advertising specific to smartphones, such as interactive videos or game functionality, while tablets may borrow content created for PCs as well as usage formerly undertaken on PCs.” 

Additionally in 2013, the smartphone sector may generate $4.9 billion in revenues in 2013, while advertising on tablets may generate $3.4 billion. Revenue per unit however reveals a different dynamic: smartphone display ad revenues are forecast at $7 per tablet and $0.60 per smartphone. 

There will also be an upsurge in momentum behind LTE, with 2013 being the first year in which LTE thrives across multiple markets. The subscriber base will triple to 200 million by year end, and those on LTE tariffs will represent about 10 percent of all service revenues. Usage of LTE will be evolutionary rather than revolutionary: the major benefits of subscribing to LTE from 3G are likely to be better performance of existing applications from e-mail to updating social networks.

2013 will be the year in which the television industry starts preparing in earnest for the next iteration of high definition (HD) known as 4K, which offers four times the resolution of the current highest standard HD TV. The full roll-out of 4K will take years: in 2013, 4K will be in very few living rooms. There will be no 4K broadcasts in 2013, and there is little content so far. Compatible TV sets will be available to those wishing to spend $15,000 - $25,000 on a set. 

Full details about the global TMT Predictions are available here:

About the DTTL TMT Predictions

The TMT Predictions are based on worldwide research supported by in-depth interviews and input from Deloitte member firm clients, Deloitte alumni, industry analysts, leading TMT executives, and thousands of Deloitte member firm TMT practitioners across its global network.

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