Basescu: Romania needs new IMF loan, long term financing

Publish date: 22-09-2010
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President told Parliament, in his first speech of his second term before MPs, that Romania will sign a new deal with the International Monetary Fund in 2011. No more loans for consumptions, he warned.

"We need consistency in reform, no matter which Government will rule the country. You have the option of populism and the option of continued reform. Any responsible Government will promote an austerity policy. Structural reforms are not left-wing or right-wing. Under these circumstances, my call for responsibility is addressed to everyone," he stated. The head of state claims that, in order to correct the vulnerable spots uncovered by the economic and financial crisis, a time of austerity is needed, in which everyone has to make 'some' sacrifices.

"One cannot govern at a time of recession thinking of the following elections," Basescu argued, adding that political differences should not hinder Romania's progress. He further stated that more trust comes with a more coherent Government and the its ability to better account for its policies. 

The president underlined that the Romanian state cannot afford to pay wages to incompetent civil servants and those suffering from imaginary illnesses, nor social security to those who are fit, but reluctant, to work. He argued that, in 2004, 6.4 million people in Romania were socially assisted, and that, by 2008, during the Tariceanu Government, their numbers reached 13.9 millions. One should note that president refers to pensioners as 'socially assisted' too. 

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