Olt Valley, most popular road in Romania

Publish date: Astazi, 23-08-2010
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The Olt Valley is the most popular European road in Romania, being used every day by 30,000 motor vehicles on average, according to the managers of the Valcea section of Drumuri Nationale (DN).

"A few days ago we completed a traffic investigation and a census, actually there are four such investigations. Two at Seaca on European road E 81, one at the Budesti point, where E 81 and the road to Curtea de Arges [southern Romania] cross, and one at Raureni, on the national road connecting Ramnicu Valcea to Slatina.

The first investigation at Seaca revealed what was already known, namely that E 81, the Olt Valley, is the most popular road with the heavy traffic in Romania. Anyway, 30,000 motor vehicles on average use the Olt Valley," DN Valcea manager Eugen Manescu told Agerpres.



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