Chamber of Deputies passes ANI Law

Publish date: 16-08-2010
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The Chamber of Deputies passed 204 to 2 and 2 abstentions the Law concerning the organisation and functioning of the National Integrity Agency (ANI), at today's extraordinary session.

Tudor Chiuariu and Mihaita Calimente of the opposition National Liberal Party (PNL) were the only MPs to vote against the ANI law, while Daniel Oajdea of the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL), major at rule, and independent Tudor Ciuhodaru abstained from the vote. The opposition Social Democratic Party walked out before the vote started.

The Chamber of Deputies' Judicial Committee last week decided to reintroduce in the National Integrity Agency law a three-year deadline in which the ANI could verify the personal fortunes of the dignitaries after their terms in office run out; the obligation on the Economic and Social Council members and trade union leaders to publish their declarations of wealth and the publication of the wealth declarations in one copy where some personal data are edited out, as Prime Minister Emil Boc had requested.


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