INS: Net salary down 0.4 pc in June from May

Publish date: 05-08-2010
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The average net pay in June was of 1,422 RON, down 0.4 per cent, 6 RON, from May, yet up 3.1 per cent against the year-on-year figure, with financial brokerage being the highest paid sector, and the hotel and restaurants sector, the lowest, according to Mediafax. The gross average salary in June stood at 1,951 RON, 0.6 per cent down from the previous month, according to a release by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

The lower pay in June compared to May was due to occasional bonuses, including the holiday ones, sums from net profit and other funds, underproduction or less revenues, depending on contracts) temporary unemployment and financial difficulties. According to an INS report, first-half gross, working days and seasonally-adjusted retail business turnover, save for sales of autos and motorcycles, fell 4.1 per cent and 5.1 per cent from the year-earlier period. The January-June 2010 downtrend was due to lower gross and adjusted sales of foodstuffs, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, down 6.1 per cent and 7 per cent, and gross and adjusted sales of non-foodstuffs, which fell 4.9 per cent and 5.8 per cent respectively.

The number of matriculations of new passenger transport vehicles declined by 40.6 per cent in the first half of the year from the year-earlier interval, to 117,513 units, INS also shows that the arrivals and overnight stays at tourist locations fell 3 per cent and 3.7 per cent respectively during January-June, according to INS-supplied data.

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