Companies with delays in implementation of European projects risk contract termination

Publish date: 26-07-2010
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The companies that are six to nine months behind schedule with the implementation of European projects risk having their contracts terminated, said Premier Emil Boc on Saturday, July 24.

"We decided to terminate the contracts of the companies that are between six and nine months behind schedule with the implementation of the project, despite having initially signed this graphic. We cannot afford losing European money because some firms, given their own working mechanisms, are not interested in the absorption of European funds.

We set a fast-track refund procedure at their disposal, and two co-financing instruments for their share. But if under such circumstances they still fail to comply with the schedule, we will have to terminate their contracts," said the head of the government after the meeting of the ministerial group of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment (MECMA) responsible for the absorption of EU funds.



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