Romania, 31st in gold reserves in the world

Publish date: Astazi, 15-07-2010
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Romania is the 31st in the world classification of official gold reserves, with 103.7 tonnes of gold, according to the World Gold Council (WGC), which is quoted by daily Bursa.

The United Sates of America is the first, 8,113.5 tonnes, followed by Germany, 3,406.8 tonnes, the International Monetary Fund, 2,996.8 tonnes, Italy, 2,451.8 tonnes, and France, 2,435.4 tonnes.

In the WGC classification Greece comes before Romania, gold reserves amounting to 112.2 tonnes. After Romania, Poland is the 32nd, with an official gold reserve of 103 tonnes.

This year the price of gold has gone up by 10 percent and 2010 seems to be the tenth year in a row marking an increase on the relevant market, also reads the above-mentioned newspaper.



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