IRES poll: Over 80 pct Romanians would insure dwellings were it mandatory, but for small amounts

Publish date: 14-07-2010
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Over 80 percent of the Romanians would insure their dwellings if regulations for the enactment of the law on the mandatory home insurance were issued, says the opinion poll called Public Administration and Floods conducted by the Romanian Institute for Assessment and Strategy (IRES), over July 6-8.

According to the poll, 13 percent of the respondents said they would not insure their homes, 2 percent answered they did not know if, and 1 percent did not answer.

Most of the respondents (93 percent) said that home insurance is necessary, while only 5 percent answered otherwise, and 1 percent of them said they had no idea or they failed answering.

As for the amount they could pay for insuring their dwellings, 26 percent said it might range between 0 and 100 lei, 12 percent said they could not afford paying any insurance, 26 percent did not know and 3 percent did not answer. Only 1 percent of the respondents said they could pay large amounts, ranging between 501 and 1,500 lei, or more.



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