Videanu: We're analyzing reducing the flat rate tax to 10 prc. Boc: Let's drop the scenarios

Publish date: 08-07-2010
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Hours after Adriean Videanu confirmed for Gandul that the possibility of reducing the flat rate tax is being analyzed, Prime Minister Emil Boc stated that we "should drop the scenarios" and that "what we have in force now, that's it"

During the Monday meeting of the National Permanent Office of the Democratic-Liberal Party, party leaders discussed the possibility of lowering the flat rate tax from 16% to 10%, the conclusion being that an analysis would be conducted by the Government to determine whether this measure is opportune. The Minister of the Economy, Adriean Videanu, confirmed Tuesday for Gandul that this intent exists. "Yes. It is being analyzed", replied Videanu when asked whether the Democratic-Liberal Party is analyzing the possibility of lowering the flat rate tax to 10 percent. A few hours later, during a press conference regarding the current status in the flooded areas, Prime Minister Emil Boc denied the existence of such an analysis and even of discussions regarding this.

"What we have in force now, that's it. There's nothing else. Let's drop the scenarios and all this working on all sorts of things, without the right hand knowing what the left hand is doing", stated the Prime Minister, when asked if the National Permanent Office of the Democratic-Liberal Party discussed this option.


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