Greece is putting its islands for sale to save its economy. What can Romania sell?

Publish date: 28-06-2010
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Financial Times, Bloomberg and the Wall Street Journal comment the decision of the Constitutional Court saying that pensions cannot be reduced

In a desperate attempt to pay off its huge debts and to get funds for its infrastructure, Greece is making the rich people of the world an offer they can't refuse and is putting up for sale or long term lease a few of its 6000 sunny islands. Romania too can also sell stuff if push comes to shove - gold deposits, carbon certificates worth a billion Euro and its participation in Krivoy Rog.

According to British newspaper The Guardian, an area of Mykonos, one of the country's top destinations, is also for sale. A third of this region is owned by the Greek government, which is looking for a buyer willing to inject capital and build a luxury tourist resort, say sources close to the negotiations, quoted by The Guardian. Russian and Chinese investors are interested in the Island of Rhodes and the name of billionaire Roman Abramovich is being uttered, although one of his spokespersons has denied that he plans to invest in the area.


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