PM Boc: Wages of state companies staff to be capped at certain level

Publish date: 18-06-2010
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The wages of the state companies' staff will be capped at a level the Government is going to decide, Prime Minister Emil Boc announced, adding that the Government will ask its representatives in the majority state-owned companies to persuade the respective staff to donate that part of their monthly wage in excess of 8,000 lei to a solidarity fund.

The state companies employees are to give away such amount in excess of 8,000 lei in a voluntary manner, since they cannot be forced to put their money into a solidarity fund, the sources added.

'The state representatives in the majority state-owned companies will try to get the employers' agreement to voluntarily donate what they earn in excess of 8,000 lei. They cannot be forced, since they do not get the incomes from the state budget', governmental sources said.


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