FinMin: Romania is in recession, not in crisis

Publish date: Astazi, 14-06-2010
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Romania is in recession, not in crisis, stated on Realitatea TV channel the minister of Public Finance, Sebastian Vladescu.

"Romania is in recession, Romania is not in crisis, Romania must avoid slipping into crisis and I gave the example of Argentine. I could have given the example of '29s", he said, answering information according to which MFP official reportedly said that there is the risk Romania could have reached a situation similar to Argentine.

"Romania is in the situation to establish normal parameters for its functioning. Romania delayed all reforms. When Poland privatized its companies, Romania had the slogan "We do not sell the country!". Then we gave it for nothing. Romania avoided unemployment in the '90s, preferring to have pensioners instead. Romania failed to do what it ought to do every historical moment in the past 20 years", underlined Vladescu.


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