Financial-banking analysts estimate Romania's inflation to temper at 0.1% in May

Publish date: 10-06-2010
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The members of the Association of Financial-Banking Analysts in Romania (AAFBR) estimate the monthly rate of inflation was of 0.1 percent in May and expect the annual rate to brake at 4 percent at the end of 2010, a release reads.

The analysts deem the monthly inflation stood between 0.1 and 0.3 percent in May, while the annual rate was of 4.4-4.6 percent.

For the end of 2010, the AAFBR members expect inflation to park at 4 percent, their estimates varying between 3.7 and 4.7 percent.

In April, consumer prices added 0.35 percent from the previous month and 4.28 percent year-on-year. The annual rate of inflation stood at 4.74 percent at the end of last year, above the central bank's (BNR) target of 3.5 percent plus or minus one percentage point (2.5-4.5 percent).

For the end of 2010, BNR targets a 3.5 percent inflation, take or leave one percentage point, and expects it to park at 3.7 percent.

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