Public servants to go on strike on May 31

Publish date: 26-05-2010
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The National Public Servants' Trade Union (SNFP) will observe the schedule of industrial action agreed by the trade unions confederations and go on an all-out strike on May 31, SNFP reports in a press release.

SNFP is criticising the Government cutting the pay of public administration employees, public servants and contracted public employees so that it may preserve a state that is captive to political cronies.

'Preserving a state that is captive to political cronies entails keeping the state parasites in place, steering public money to the companies endorsed by the ruling party, politicising the public administration by turning public institutions into weapons of political fight or eliminating economic competition to favour the same companies, persecuting the state of law by disregarding final and binding court sentences and the Constitution as far as guaranteeing collective conventions is concerned and in relation to the promotion of emergency decrees,' says SNFP Chairman Sebastian Oprescu.

Oprescu also argues that the absence of the Government's involvement in a non-discriminatory manner in the fight against criminal offences reveals the Government's complicity to preserving a state that is captive to the economic interests of the politically employed.


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