ZEW survey : The perception regarding the evolution of Romanian economy worsened slightly

Publish date: 27-04-2010
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The perception of financial experts regarding the evolution of Romanian economy for the next six months worsened slightly in April, but it kept its second position in Central and Eastern Europe as attractiveness for investment, according to a survey of ZEW institute. The ZEW indicator regarding expectations of the specialists for the next six months dropped by 3.8 points, at 35.4 points.

The most attractive state in Central and Eastern Europe for foreign investors was Hungary, the study made by the present situation of the Romanian economy is still critical with the Austrian group Erste.

In contrast, the present situation of Romanian economy is still critical as compared to the rest of analysed states of the CEE. In spite of an advance of 10.6 points of the indicator regarding the present situation, this remains at the lowest level in the region, -40.5 points.

The ZEW indicator regarding the expectations of the financial specialists for CEE dropped by 9.3 points, at 28 points in April, while the perception of the present situation dropped slightly by 1.5 points at 24.4 points. The expectations for the euro zone evolved positively in April, the indicator recording an advance of three points, at 29.6 points. At the same time, the investors consider that the present situation has improved, following increase of 5.2 points at 23.3 points.

The ZEW institute analysed several states in Central and Eastern Europe, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

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