Egypt wants 30% more Romanian tourists this year

Publish date: 24-03-2010
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ETA, the Egyptian Tourist Authority, a government institution promoting Egypt as tourist destination in Romania, is counting on a 30% increase of the number of Romanian tourists in 2010.At the end of 2009, the tourist market dropped by 25-30% in Poland, Czech Republic and Romania but we succeeded to cope with the dropping rate. The number of tourists who visited Egypt in 2009 dropped by 15-20%, representatives of Warsaw based ETA office promoting Egypt in Poland, Czech Republic and Romania say.

As for Romania, in 2010 ETA has improved its promotion plan, taking into account the 20% drop of 2009 and intends to become first in the top of holiday destinations outside Europe. We expect Egypt to grow by 30% in the whole world in 2010, which means a better result than in 2008. For Romania we have reviewed and adapted the strategy to exceed and repair the 2009 drop, ETA representatives say.

For the next 3 years, ETA intends to turn Egypt into the most demanded foreign destination in the Romanian market. In addition to the two tourism packages already available in Romania, the Red Sea and the Nile Valley, ETA launched in 2009 three new tourist products, which include golf, available in 17 locations, spa, in 6 regions and the visiting package in the largest desert. ETA entered the Romanian market in 2009 and promotes Egypt as tourist destination.

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