ING Insurance leases 4,000 sqm in Amera Tower, Cluj

Publish date: 24-03-2010
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The insurance division off ING has leased 4,000 sqm office space in Amera Tower building in Cluj-Napoca, that will accommodate INGs insurance back office hub in the region, the real estate adviser that mediated the transaction, DTZ Echinox, said in a release. The new offices in Cluj Napoca will be the future workplace for employees servicing the ING Insurance business units in Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Greece and Spain, hosting the insurance back office operations, finance & accounting and IT. About 300 ING employees will be located in Amera Tower this year, while other 700 will join by 2013.

Amera Tower is a 13-storey office building, located in the north-western part of the city centre, on the former industrial platform Baciu. The project has a total surface of 8,900 sqm and 131 parking spaces. The office building is held by Amera Group, owned by Adam Ambrus . Amera Tower also accommodates offices of KLV GLOBAL, Amera Grup, Outokumpu, Ziegler Romania, Ip Control, AVE and Aludesign.

For the office space in Amera Tower, rents start from 11/sqm/month, to which is added the 25-30/parking space/month, and 3/sqm administration services.Currently the market in Cluj-Napoca City comprises approximately 55,000 sqm of rentable area of office spaces and expects the delivery of 5,000-10,000 sqm more in 2010. With a rather reduced office space stock and a strong occupancy rate  only 3-5% availability  the Cluj office market prime rents vary between 13 and 15 Euro/ sqm, DTZ Echinox added.DTZ Echinox is one of the largest real estate advisers in the local market, with revenues of around 5.6 million recorded in 2008.

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