Governmental coordination group decides 2011-2013 fiscal-budgetary strategy

Publish date: 23-03-2010
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The ministries until March 25 must draft through the agency of sectoral working groups, strategic plans of expenditure and sectoral policies, which are to be submitted to a coordination working group in charge of the 2011-2013 fiscal-budgetary strategy development, according to a Government Resolution published in the Official Gazette.

The group is coordinated by the Ministry of Public Finance and chaired by Minister Sebastian Vladescu, or in case he is not available, by the secretary of state for sectoral policies and budget development Gheorghe Gherghina.

Other members of the group include ministers of administration and interior, transport, environment, education, defence, regional development, economy, health, agriculture, labour and justice. Besides them, the following can also be added: the chairmen of the National Health Insurance Office, the National Pensions and Social Security Office, the National Agency for Employment, the National Forecast Commission and the National Institute of Statistics, as well as the secretary general of the Government.

The coordination group will be responsible, among others, for the analysis of the estimated personnel-related expenses from the component budgets of the 2011-2013 general consolidated budget, as well as analysis of the sectoral public policies from fields such as education, health, social protection, employment, regional development, national defence, justice, public order and national safety, agriculture, transport, infrastructure, environment, economy, trade and business environment, implementation costs and necessary financing sources.

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