Debts to Romania: 1.2 billion dollars

Publish date: Astazi, 05-03-2010
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Other states debts to Romania, based on the contracts concluded prior to 1989 with 13 countries, exceed 1.2 billion dollars, to which almost two billion transferable roubles are added, owned by Cuba, but no progress was made with the authorities in Havana in the past twenty years, Bursa daily informs.

Romania succeeded to conclude governmental agreements in ongoing implementation with seven states of the total of 14 indebted ones, according to an official reply of the Ministry of Finance (MFP) remitted to the quoted newspaper.

MFP maintains that in the past two years Romania recovered almost 15 million euros and, respectively, 10 million dollars from the states with which it already has such agreements. Most money came from Syria: 7.3 million euros in 2008 and, respectively 7.15 million euros in 2009. From Iraq's debt to Romania the first money arrived last year: almost 5.7 million dollars.

Romanian and Iraqi authorities convened in 2005 a reduction of the Iraqi debt from 1.7 billion dollars to 977 million dollars, at the end of long negotiation rounds carried out with the help of the Club in Paris.

According to Agerpres, the Romanian authorities were the target of criticism for the reduction and re-structuring of the debt level, but other experts maintain that the recovery degree of almost 60 percent Romania benefits is much higher when compared to the terms imposed by the Paris Club lenders (approximately 20 percent), Bursa reads.

Major difficulties in the economic, financial and forex fields some of the African countries are facing, the inclusion of other indebted states into the 'countries affected by conflicts' and 'post-conflict countries' categories are the main reasons evoked by MFP, when explaining the slow pace of these receivables payment.

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