The financing portfolio for Romania by the WB

Publish date: 24-02-2010
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The current portfolio financed by the World Bank in Romania is made up of 13 active loans, of 1.13 billion dollars, according to the data presented by the representatives of the ministry of finances with a team of the World Bank, led by the country manager Francois Rantrua.

« At the end of 2009, the active portfolio of Romania was fifth in Europe and Central Asia, after Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. The current portfolio financed by the World Bank in Romania is 13 active loans, worth 1.13 billion dollars, plus a large variety of analytical and consultative activities" the press release published on the site of the ministry of finances says.

Between 1991 and 2009, the World Bank supported 55 operations in Romania, of 6 billion dollars. At present, the project portfolio of the Bank in Romania contains projects implemented by ministries and governmental agencies in health, social protection, natural hazards prevention, agriculture, energy, mining, reform in the judicial system and communications.

The World Bank is among the international financial institutions with which Romania signed the financial assistance package worth approximately 20 billion euro. The world bank would offer Romania, in two years, a billion euro for the reform of the public sector and social assistance.

Last year, the World Bank offered Romania the first loan of 300 million euro, and the second of 350 million euro, which must be approved was postponed due to the political crisis in Romania.

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