Banks bring 500 mln euros to Romania, in 2009

Publish date: 23-02-2010
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Commercial banks brought in 2009, to Romania, 500 million euros under the form of capital and subordinated loans, announced on last Tuesday, in a financial conference, Petre Bunescu, BRD deputy general manager and prime vice-president of the Romanian Banks Association (ARB).

He pointed out that the commercial banks brought 325 million euros to Romania for share capital increase and the remainder up to 500 million euros were subordinated loans.

Bunescu appreciated it as a positive situation and a proof that the foreign banks wish to continue their operations in Romania.

According to ARB representative, following the capital increase. all commercial banks are solvent in excess of 10 percent and the average solvency rate in the banking system is of 14.03 percent.

BNR asked the commercial banks, after Romania was affected by the crisis, to increase their solvency from 8 to 10 percent, in some cases share capital increases being needed, Agerpres informs.

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