Deloitte expects a VAT increase at 22%

Publish date: 19-02-2010
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Pieter Wessel, coordinating partner within the auditing company and consultancy Deloitte Romania, expects an increase of the VAT at 22% for the next period, while the representatives of the ministry of public finances say they do not know anything about a possible increase of the tax. « The VAT department in the ministry of finances did not receive any notice about the increase of VAT" Mariana Vizoli, manager of the legislation department in the domain of VAT within the ministry of finances said.

Moreover, Dragos Doros,manager of the general department for direct interest in the ministry of finances, considers that the taxing system in Romania is predictable, which means an advantage for the business environment.

« Taxes in Romania are stable, even if there are changes at the level of the Fiscal Code. An example is that of keeping the level of the flat tax. The governing programme included the maintenance of the flat tax at present level, which happened and which will happen in the future" Doros mentioned.

Over the last period, many consultants connected to the business environment consider that the ministry of finances is going to increase the VAT in order to generate an increase of the budgetary income. Recently, the representatives of the PriceWaterCoopers (PwC) said that the government could get to increase the VAT by 1-2 percentage points, from the present level of 19% to increase the budgetary income.

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