Meeting of PACE Committee on the Environment in Bucharest

Publish date: 18-02-2010
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The meeting of the Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will be held on February 18-19 at the Parliament Palace, informs a release sent to Agerpres.

During the opening session on Thursday the MEPs will meet representatives of the Government, Parliament and of the local authorities in the city of Bucharest for exchanges of opinions on some questions connected to the protection of the environment, local and regional democracy, agriculture and rural development.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Teodor Baconschi, Minister of the Environment and Forestry Laszlo Borbely, Minister of Tourism and Regional Development Elena Udrea, Bucharest Prefect Mihai-Cristian Atanasoaei and Bucharest General Mayor Sorin Oprescu will deliver speeches on the subjects under consideration on behalf of the Government.

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