Romania's Govt Urges Industrial Consumers To Reduce Natural Gas Consumption

Publish date: 25-01-2010
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Romania's Government urged the country's big industrial consumers to reduce their natural gas consumption at this time of the year, and asked thermal power plants to use crude oil to avoid gas imports."The country's big industrial consumers, mainly those in the chemical industry and siderurgy, were asked to reduce their gas consumption at this time of the year when low temperatures are registered, and thermal power plants were asked to use crude oil, if possible. Otherwise, the country must resort to further gas imports at high prices," people close to the matter told MEDIAFAX Sunday.

According to the sources, Romania needs about 83 million cubic meters of natural gas per day, but only about 60 million cubic meters can be ensured from imports and local production.

Talks on reducing natural gas consumption have already been held between Economy Ministry representatives and Prime Minister Emil Boc, the sources said.

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