The governing programme of the Croitoru cabinet includes the VAT and the flat tax at the present level

Publish date: 27-10-2009
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The Lucian Croitoru government commits « to keep the income and profit taxes as well as the VAT at the present values - 16% and 19% respectively during the governing period » according to the governing programme presented to the Parliament by the designated premier. "At the same time, the government will promote a transparent and predictable fiscal policy aiming at the improvement of businesss environment conditions to function; at the same time, the government commits to adopting the facto the euro on January 2015", the document says.

Moreover, the document says the measures of the new cabinet will focus on reaching the agreements with the international financial institutions and on supporting the resumption of economic growth.

The document says the fact that, non reaching the agreement with IMF and the European Commission could lead to " supplementary pressures on the depreciation of the national currency, with negative effects and the slowing down by the possible increase of interests of the process of creditation for the private sector".

The governing programme includes that the last months of this year, the authorities " should take a series of unpopular decisions, which require special political will" such as the deficit target of 7.3% of the GDP and the approval of the budget for 2010, based on a deficit of 5.9% of GDP.


  • The Croitoru government proposes to improve the health condition of the population and to improve medical assistance in the rural areas, as well as the implementation of a national programme for investments to allow the development of the medical infrastructure at European standards in maximum eight years, including drawing of European funds.
  • The Croitoru cabinet proposes to clarify the statute of creators and to boost the SMEs, the introduction of courses for creativity stimulation as well as the support of " the role of the church in the society".
  • Moreover, the process of education will start in kindergarten so that the child could receive " educational therapy" and 750 new kindergartens will be built to " totally cover children between 3 and 6" the programme includes.
  • In the domain of justice, the Croitoru government proposes to reduce the duration of trials, as well as to reduce the deficit of personnel in the judicial system; to obtain results in the fight against corruption.
  • As for « foreign policy » the Croitoru government keeps, mainly, the objectives of the Boc cabinet : to emphasize pragmatism in the consolidation of partnerships Romania has; it proposes to put to value the benefits coming from Romania's statute as EU and NATO member states; strengthening of regional cooperation and includes as governing objective consolidated cooperation " with states on other continents to which economic interests could be addressed".
  • Thegoverning programme includes the increase of expenditure for army endowment, so that, for a long term, it should represent at least 20% of the MApN budget, by keeping the budget at a percentage close to 2%.
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