CEC Bank climbed on 7th place in banking system

Publish date: 27-10-2009
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CEC climbed in the top banks, subject to assets, from the ninth to the seventh place, after the first nine months. The bank increased its market share from 4.3 to 5.51 per cent at the end of September, on the background of the increase of the credits balance by 11.2 per cent, to RON 9.1 bln, the bank announced, according to Mediafax.

CEC remained last year on the ninth place in the top biggest banks subject to assets, with a market share of 4.3 per cent, according to BNR data. "The most spectacular evolution was that of the balance of the credits granted to SMEs, up 34.43 per cent" reads a CEC Bank press release.

The portfolio of deposits attracted by the bank from the clients registered in the first nine months an advance of 16 per cent, rising to RON 13.1 bln. CEC Bank solvency was 18.89 per cent after the first nine months.

The bank also announced that it cuts down, starting October 26, the basic interest rates applied to credits in RON, from 11.5 to 11.25 per cent for natural persons, and from 11.9 to 11.4 per cent for companies.

"All the clients who stipulated the basic interest rate in the credit contracts signed with CEC Bank will benefit from the new loans," according to the press release. Also starting on Monday, some reductions of the interest rates to be granted for the new deposits will be implemented.


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