Biden: No secret agreement with Russia on Eastern Europe

Publish date: 23-10-2009
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The Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden, thanked Romania for supporting the project developed by the Obama Administration for a new approach to missile defence in Central and Eastern Europe, and recommended that Romania build a "pragmatic" relationship with Russia.

Biden said that Washington will have the same good relationship with any President who will come to Cotroceni following the November elections. Also, ongoing economic projects will continue to be supported. "You understood from the start, while other colleagues, such as those in Poland, are just now understanding the advantages of the new American project involving the SM-3 rockets," Biden said.

The announcement made on 17 September by President Barack Obama regarding foregoing his predecessor's plans for locating elements of the U.S. missile defence in the Czech Republic and Poland generated concerns not just in Prague and Warsaw, but in other capitals in Central and Eastern Europe.

"Some jumped to the conclusion that this new missile defense approach was designed to appeal to Russia at the expense of Central Europe. They are wrong. Missile defense is not about Russia. Our approach is driven by the security requirements of the United States and NATO. We made this decision to protect Europe from real threats with proven capabilities," Biden added.

The purpose of the Vice President's tour in Eastern Europe, which include visits to Warsaw, Bucharest, and Prague, was to assure the capitals in the region that the Obama Administration is maintaining its political commitment made by George W. Bush.

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