Croitoru's list: Six ministers proposed

Publish date: Astazi, 21-10-2009
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Lucian Croitoru, Prime Minister designate, yesterday mentioned six names of potential ministers for a Cabinet he is due to propose to Parliament, namely Valentin Lazea, Lucian Albu, Gheorghe Oprescu, Laurian Lungu, Aurelian Dochia and Amalia Fugaru, all economists, and several working on Croitoru's future governing program. However, he added that some of these have already turned him down.

"We have not talked about my possible participation in a future government. I am only working with Lucian on the future governing program. As concerns my possible coopting in the future government, I am not interested. There are too many considerations now, and the conjuncture is also such. But I support Lucian Croitoru, because I have faith in him," said Aurelian Dochia, financial consultant, member of the Board of the Romanian Centre for Economic Policies (CEROPE), and Vice President and founding member of the Romanian Economic Society, for Business Standard.

Laurian Lungu, Managing Partner of the Macroanalitica research group, also denied having had such a discussion with Croitoru. "I am part of the group helping Mr. Croitoru to develop the governing program. We have not discussed my involvement in a future Cabinet. I think it is premature to have such a discussion. I am working with other economists on the new governing program, that will be based on the parametres of the IMF [International Monetary Fund] and the EC [European Commission]. We are continuing with plans set with financial institutions, such as the ten-day unpaid holiday, and other public spending cuts.

However, we must wait to see if the government will be supported by Parliament," explained Lungu. In his turn, Valentin Lazea, Chief Economist of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), also denied having discussed with Lucian Croitoru any possible involvement in the future Cabinet.

Croitoru warned that Romania will need €3.5 billion to finance state spending and cover the budget deficit through the end of the year. "An adequate strategy is needed to find this money, either internally or outside, either public or private," added the Prime Minister designate.

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