The financial crisis threatens democracy

Publish date: 19-10-2009
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Lucian Croitoru, Romania's Prime Minister designate, begins negotiations today for the forming of a future government, and explained to The Money Channel why he accepted the nomination.

"I have heard speculations about me being a pawn, I am not the man to be thrown to the wolves, the way some are trying to portray me, as a weak person, picked up by Basescu [Romania's President] from somewhere and told: Do this. You are the pawn that has must move diagonally. I am not that kind [of person]," Lucian Croitoru, told The Money Channel, in the first interview after he was nominated by the President as Prime Minister.

"By nature, I am an optimistic person, and by profession am very cautious. A key moment will be on 6 December, when the second round of presidential elections takes place. My goal is to maintain this country's stability, ensure financing, and do everything for Romania to function (...) The sudden, massive lack of resources can lead to changes, major social convulsions, can even lead to changes in ideas, to a condemnation of philosophies.

I would not want anyone in Romania to begin condemning the idea of democracy," Croitoru added.

Negotiations between the Prime Minister designate and political parties begin today, considering that a parliamentary majority has already announced it will not vote for Croitoru. Only the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL) announced its support for Croitoru, but warns that "he will not have unconditional support." The National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) continue to support the Mayor of Sibiu, Klaus Johannis, while the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) has not made a clear statement.

Croitoru must present his Cabinet by Sunday, and if this will is rejected by Parliament, Basescu will make a new nomination for the position of Prime Minister.

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