Traian Basescu: I do not want a government of technocrats

Publish date: 15-10-2009
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After the no-confidence vote initiated by the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) against the government headed by Emil Boc was passed by Parliament on Tuesday, it is now up to President Traian Basescu to appoint a new Prime Minister.

Two names were put before Romania's President yesterday: one proposed by the Democratic Liberal Party (PDL), and the other supported by the new political majority. PDL proposed Lucian Croitoru, Advisor responsible for the monetary policy to the Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), for the position of Prime Minister, in response to the nomination of Klaus Johannis, Mayor of Sibiu, supprted by PNL, UDMR, and the Social Democratic Party (PSD).

Initially, PDL wanted to propose Boc again, but reconsidered after the discussions that took place at Cotroceni Palace. This is the first time in the past 20 years when two independent candidates are battling for the seat of Prime Minister.

The option of a political Prime Minister was ruled out due to the Parliament's fragmented political structure. Nevertheless, while one of the candidates has the support of Parliament, the other has the support of the President, who must make the appointment. Johannis is supported by a parliamentary majority, but not by President Basescu, and was proposed for a two-month interim mandate to carry the government to the presidential elections scheduled for 22 November. Croitoru is supported by President Basescu and his PDL party, but he must convince some members of the opposition parties to vote for him.

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