Deloitte: Romanian companies - upbeat about economic recovery

Publish date: 25-09-2009
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Nearly 40 per cent of the Romanian companies expect domestic economy to recover over the next six months, according to a Deloitte study. These companies are among the most optimistic in the region about the financial prospects of the next six months.

However, only 15.4 per cent of the managers expect business to improve in the next six months. The study reports that 65.4 per cent of the companies say debt payment delays in Romania are insignificant.

The majority of Romanian respondents expressed their intention to launch new products in the next 12 months, 60 per cent of the interviewees expect toughened regulation over the same time interval and 69 per cent believe European funds are quite difficult to access.

'It should be noted that Romanian companies carry on their business growth strategies, yet they become more cost-aware. Also, business people predict regulations will toughen again next year and caution about European funding being difficult to access,' the release quoted the president of Deloitte Romania, George Mucibabici, as saying.

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