Food to be more expensive

Publish date: Astazi, 22-09-2009
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The retailers from our country estimate that the law regarding the trading of the food products is anti-competitive, Mediafax informs. It will conduct to bankruptcies in industry and will determine the foreign retailers to stop the direct investments made in Romania, the representatives of the Association of the Major Commercial Networks from Romania (AMRCR) estimate.

The law regarding the trading of the food products was adopted by the Chamber of Deputies on September 16 and waits to be endorsed by President. The traders say that the first to be affected will be precisely the final users. The anti-competitive character of the law will be reflected in the deterioration of the competitive climate of the food market, and thus the prices will even grow, instead of falling, as a universal effect of the distortion of the mechanisms of the market and of the free competition in the market. Moody's outlook for European retailers remains negative, although food retailers have generally been resilient to the downturn given to the counter-cyclical nature of their products.

The modern trade covers 43 per cent of the consumer good market

The modern trade - hypermarkets, discounters, cash-and-carry shops and supermarkets - register a market share of 43 per cent of the total consumption of consumer goods at the level of the whole country, 3 per cent up over the same period of 2008, a Gfk survey remitted to the editorial office shows.

The most dynamic formats were the hypermarkets and the discounters. Their main source of growth was a bigger purchasing frequency, 30 per cent bigger for discounters and 10 per cent for hypermarkets, on the background of the aggressive expansion and thus of attracting a number of users 6 per cent and respectively 9 per cent bigger.

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