Moderate fall and stability in economic activity, Aug-Oct 2009

Publish date: 30-08-2009
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The managers of the trade companies have forecasted, for the period Aug-Oct 2009, a moderate fall in the activity in the processing industry, a fall in the sector of building and a relative stability in retail and services vs the three previous months, reads a conjectural inquiry about the trends in the evolution of the economic activity, drawn up in Aug by the National Institute of Statistics,INS.

As part of the conjectural inquiry of Aug 2009, the managers from the processing industry forecasted for the next three months a moderate fall in the volume of production. As regards the number of employees, they estimated a drop, with the conjectural balance staying of minus 21, in the processing industry, minus 30 percent in very big enterprises, with 500 and more employees.

They said that for some activities a much higher falling trend will be registered than per total (metallurgy, the manufacturing of coke products and of the products got from the crude oil processing, from wood processing, from the manufacturing of wood products and cork ones, with the exception of furniture).

For the prices of the industrial products, forecasted have continued to be a trend of stability in the coming three months.

According to the estimates made this August, the building activity will register, for the next three months, a trend of drop both in the volume of production and in the stock of contracts and orders. The managers have assessed a relative stability in the economic activity for the next three months, and the total volume of sales of goods will have a trend of relative stability as well as the total volume made by the companies to the goods suppliers. The employers have also forecasted, for the said period, a downward trend in the number of employees in this sector. They have also said that the prices of retail sales will have a moderate increase.

According to the estimates of Aug 2009, the demand of services (turnover) will see a relative stability.

In the sector of services, estimated has been a fall in the number of employees. This trend is generally given by the very big units, numbering 500 employees and more). According to the opinions of managers, the sale or invoice prices of services will have a trend of relative stability.

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