ZEW warns economic situation of Romania is critical

Publish date: Astazi, 19-06-2009
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The confidence of the investors in the Romanian economy dropped in June, the index of the confidence shifting to red in spite of the fact that the optimism connected with the economic development of Central and East Europe has increased in the period under review, a report of the German institute ZEW shows. Thus, the economic situation from Romania is evaluated as critical, and the expectations of the financial experts regarding the prospects of the economy in the next six months became again negative in June, falling 13.9 points, to -2.2 points, vs. May, ZEW report shows, quoted by Mediafax.

The perception of the analysts regarding the current situation has improved 1.1 points, but it remains critical, at a very high negative level, respectively -68.1 points, reads a press release of the institute. In May, the prediction of the economists regarding the evolution of the economy has become positive, further to a spectacular rise to 11.7 points, from -14.4 points in April. Most of the participants to the survey made by ZEW in collaboration with Erste Group, respectively 43.8 per cent, estimate that the situation of the Romanian economy will remain unchanged in the coming period.

The index of the economy of Central and Eastern Europe (ECE) for the next six months rose 14.4 points in June, to 20.4 points. The evaluations of the experts regarding the present situation of ECE economy have dropped slightly vs. May by 0.9 points, to 61.3 points.

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