Romanian Govt Drops Move To Cut Central Administration Staff By 20%

Publish date: 29-01-2009
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The Romanian Government will not reduce the number of the central administration's employees by 20%, said Vasile Marica, head of the public servants' alliance Sex Lex, after the meeting with the Prime Minister and the President on Wednesday.

"We agreed that 20% is not realistic, we found solutions to save the jobs and at the meeting with the Prime Minister the President agreed some bonuses must be eliminated to save money," Marica said.

Some benefits and expenses must be eliminated with regard to the competition committees.

Marica reminded that staff in the administration forms the only category of personnel that has no right to other income sources.

Last Thursday, the Government decided to reduce by 20% the number of positions in the central public administration, representing ministries and government agencies, saying the decision would not touch on the employees in the entire public sector.

The cutback by 20% entails eliminating 1,500 - 2,000 jobs, or little above 0.1% of the 1.5 million representing the total number of state employees.


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