IKEA has ordered 2009's furniture, says a supplier

Publish date: 29-12-2008
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Ecolor, the Cluj-based supplier of Swedish group IKEA, posted turnover worth 17 million euros in the first ten months of this year, up 20% against the same time last year. The company ended 2007 with 15.8 million euros in turnover, almost double against the previous year.

Considering the financial performance recorded in the first ten months of 2008, the Ecolor management expects an around 19.5 million-euro turnover. "Our company's turnover is not affected by the global recession at present, given that IKEA has ordered furniture for another year. We have not made workers redundant, but neither will we hire personnel by the end of the year, either.

Depending on how things progress, we may hire people again in 2009," Marcel Puscasu, general manager of Ecolor, told ZF Transilvania.

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