Gross average wage in Romania to reach 753 euros in 2014 after entering the Eurozone

Publish date: 04-12-2008
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Gross average wage in Romania to reach 753 euros in 2014 after entering the Eurozone

The monthly gross average salary in Romania will stand at 753 euros in 2014, the first year when the country's national currency will be the euro, according to the on-going convergence program, the Forecast Commission (CNP) gauged.

CNP released prognosis for the 2008-2020 period, revising upwards the gross average monthly wage for 2014, adding 15 euros.

It also changed forecast on the gross average salary in the next years until 2020, starting with 2015, from 793 euros to 810 euros. In 2016 the wage is now pinned at 871, growing to 935 euros in 2017 and exceeding 1,000 euros in 2018.

Moreover, in 2019 the salary was changed at 1,078 euros and in 2020 at 1,156 euros, CNP announced.


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