President Basescu interested in activity of big companies

Publish date: 25-11-2008
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President Traian Basescu stated on Monday, in a press conference, that he has recently paid several visits to Romanian commercial companies because 'during a period when the economic and financial crisis deepens' the head of state cannot stay aside.

'In a moment when the economic and financial crisis intensifies, it would have been hard for the President not to get involved. I paid several visits in order to assess which is the situation for many companies (...) They face three types of problems. The first is represented by the markets abroad and domestically, which contracted following a diminished demand. The second is focused on financing production. Those having orders are confronted with difficulties in finalizing them. As well, the low training level of the labor force hired by all the companies, without exception, either Sidex Galati (east), Campia Turzii (center) steel plant or Nokia (Cluj, center-west) represents the third problem', said the head of state.

He added that during talks with the company managers 'solutions were also found', offering some examples.

'During talks we reached a number of conclusions. As such, for instance, the continuation of initial projects is vital for Galati steel plant. For the chemical industry it is vital that the farmers order the chemical fertilizers needed for next year. And in the case of Dacia Pitesti (south) there were two emergency measures - exemption of the first registration tax and a redistribution of quotas for the other cars', explained Basescu.


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