Romanian Ctrl Bk Keeps Key Rate Unchanged At 10.25%

Publish date: 26-09-2008
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The National Bank of Romania, or BNR, kept its monetary policy rate at 10.25% on the year, leaving unchanged the existing minimum reserve requirement ratios on both leu- and foreign currency-denominated liabilities of credit institutions, the central bank announced Thursday.

Financial analysts anticipated BNR’s board decision of keeping the rate unchanged.

BNR' Board restated that it will vigilantly monitor developments in macroeconomic indicators, both domestically and internationally, and will adjust its instruments so as to ensure a consolidation of the disinflation process in order to achieve medium-term inflation targets in a sustainable manner.

End of July, BNR raised for a seventh time in a row the key rate with 25 basis points, to 10.25%. The bank's decision became effective as of August 1.


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