Over 60% Of Romanian Employees State Minimum Wage

Publish date: 31-08-2008
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Some 4 million Romanians, representing over 60% of employees, submitted fiscal statements for 2007, declaring minimum wage income, while at least 2.4 million employees, one third of the total, said they lived on the minimal gain of RON390 per month.

For 2007, 6.4 million personal tax records were submitted and an analysis revealed that 3.94 million employees stated minimum wage, namely 61.5% of all employees, according to data issued by the National Agency for Fiscal Administration.

In addition, 630,000 fiscal charts for other types of income and salaries were submitted. Therefore, there are at least 3.3 million Romanians living on minimum wage in 2007, namely 52% of the total number of employees.


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