Financial companies crash 2.42% to new low on general slump on the market

Publish date: 19-08-2008
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The five financial companies on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) plunged an average 2.42 percent on closing, to new low; other stocks on the market fell and liquidity shrank.

Liquidity reduced to 14.77 million lei from 26.87 million lei on August 15.

The BET index measuring the evolution of the ten best companies on the market lost 0.88 percent to 5,859.54 and the BET-C composite index assessing all listed shares minus investment funds slipped 0.62 percent to 4,300.26.

The BET-FI index of the five financial companies known as SIF plummeted 2.42 percent to 33,463.41 and the ROTX index for trading blue chips in Vienna added 0.09 percent to 13,932.94.

The BET-XT index of the 25 most liquid companies on the market dropped 1.21 percent to 607.02 and the BET-NG index reflecting the evolution of the ten power companies on BSE slipped 1.37 percent to 800.20.

At the closing hour in Bucharest most European stock exchanges posted moderate gains, stemming from oil and mining companies. The FTSE index in London rose 0.49 percent to 5,481 and the main index in Frankfurt, the DAX, advanced 0.51 percent to 6,478. CAC40 in Paris grew 1 percent to 4,497.

The second lender by assets BRD SocGen (BRD) was the most liquid stock generating deals of 3.59 million lei after 50,000 shares were dealt at 900,000 lei. The stock reduced 0.56 percent to 17.90 lei.


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