ENI wants South Stream through Romania

Publish date: 12-08-2008
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The Italian group ENI has become tired waiting until Serbia eventually reaches the conclusion whether it is worthy or not to ratify the agreement with Russia, addressing oil and natural gas, a document which entails the acquisition of the company Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) and the construction of South Stream oil pipe.

According to those declared for RBK Daily by sources from the Serbian Ministry of Energy, ENI has started to lobby in favour of the idea to have the route of the future pipe modified through Romania, HotNews.ro informs. In such a situation, Belgrade losses around EUR 130 M, annually, from fees charged on natural gas transit.

With a capacity of 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year, South Stream would leave Russia (Krasnodar region), crossing the Black Sea up to the Bulgarian port Varna, and then it goes into two directions: until the South of Italy and to the centre of Europe. Gazprom partner for the construction of the marine segment of the pipe if ENI. The total costs of the project were estimated to USD 20 bln.

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