Romania's gold and foreign currency reserves grow to EUR 27.62bn in January

Publish date: 04-02-2008
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Romania's gold and foreign currency reserves in January increased by 430 million euros, to 27.62 billion euros, following the hike of the foreign currency reserves, a release by the Central Bank of Romania (BNR) reads.

Foreign currency reserves went up 245 million euros due to BNR's management of the minimum mandatory reserves. At the end of December, BNR's gold and foreign currency reserves stood at 27.19 billion euros.

The increase seen in January was the result of an inflow totaling 1.039 billion euros coming from the change of the bank's foreign currency minimum mandatory reserves.

The 794.1 million euros outflow represented BNR's payment of installments and interests to the public external debt guaranteed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.


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