Although gas price will increase, population will consume more

Publish date: 29-01-2008
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State-owned company, S.N.T.G.N. Transgaz, estimates an increase to 17.281 million cu.m. in the total natural gas consumption in 2008, as compared to 16.366 million cu.m. registered in 2007. A 3.83% growth in the technological consumption is foreseen, up to an amount of 2.329 million cu.m., and the basket consumption, of the population, may increase by 5.86% reaching 14.952 million cu.m.

The investment strategy of the company fro 2008 provides a sum of 587.261 million lei and is aimed at rehabilitating the natural gas transport system by replacing the pipelines whose normal life span is exceeded, at rehabilitating the cathodic protection station system, the gas compression stations, the technological knots and regulation and measurement stations, told us Ioan Rus, General Manager.

Curierul National

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