Becali wants to open a bank to grant loans to major business people

Publish date: 21-12-2007
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Businessman Gigi Becali, one of Romania's richest people, and owner of the Steaua soccer club, plans to open his own bank and grant loans worth at least €5 million to major business people. The controversial businessman said that loans will be granted "within a few days and at lower interest rates, compared to other banks."

Becali said that "if a business person explains why he or she wants the money, seems trustworthy, and we strike a deal, he or she gets the loan quickly. I am mainly interested in keeping my own money safe at the Becali Bank."

According to the businessman, the Becali Bank will employ only 20 people initially, who have already been recruited from other banks, and whose salaries will total €70,000. The bank's share capital will amount to €30 mln.

Becali further explained how interest rates will be set: "If I see major banks establishing a certain interest, Becali Bank will set this below that level."

Becali added that the bank will be launched next February. However, proceedings for authorization of a lender by the Central Bank (BNR) take at least seven months, and Gigi Becali has not yet filed an official authorization request.

Business Standard

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