Ten-month car sales boosted by 23%, to 258 224 units

Publish date: Astazi, 23-11-2007
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Automobile sales in the Romanian market surged by 23% in the first ten months, according to data from The Association of Automotive Producers and Importers (APIA). The increase of the market was mostly sustained by sales of imports, a segment that increased by 51.8% during the period January-October, to 165 884 units.

The main local manufacturer, Automobile Dacia, sold almost 78 000 cars in the first ten months, corresponding to a market share of 30.2%, while Daweoo Automobile Romania marketed 14 349 units and had a 5.6% market share.

As regards total automotive sales in the market, commercial vehicles included, the growth in the period January-October amounted to 23.5%, 299 248 units having been marketed.
Dacia's total car sales amounted to 83 912 units, a market share of 8%, while Daewoo Automobile Romania traded 14.387 automobiles, registering a market share of 4.8%.

The imported brands ranking is led by Renault, with 24 292 vehicles (+40.8%), followed by Volkswagen, up one position, to 19 249 units (+59,9%), škoda, with 18 885 units (+14%) and Opel, with 15 234 vehicles (+80.4%), one position higher.

At the end of October, the next positions were held by Ford, with 13 190 vehicles (+72.7%), Peugeot, with 11 817 units (+35.2%) and Chevrolet, with 11 124 vehicles (+92.9%).

The most successful imported models were Renault Clio - 13 527 units, Renault Megane - 9 670 units and Opel Astra Classic - 7 779 vehicles. The cars equipped with diesel engine covered 42.6% of the total sales, respectively 47.6% on the imports segment.

Curierul National

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