Nokia Siemens Networks to develop RCS & RDS's 3G network

Publish date: Astazi, 22-11-2007
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RCS & RDS is to launch mobile phone services in Bucharest and a further 10 to 15 cities by the end of the year, following a pilot launch in the northern city of Oradea. The operator is already providing mobile phone services in the western city of Timisoara.

The Commercial Manager of RCS&RDS, Ovidiu Gherman, confirmed information published by Business Standard that the operator will ask for a syndicated loan worth €500 million from a consortium of banks, led by Citibank and ING.

The company needs to invest some €100 mln to develop its 3G mobile network by next summer, or it risks losing its 3G license. "Our goal is to launch mobile services initially in cities where we have the largest number of clients," Gherman said. He added that there are some 60 cities on the list.


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